
Who are These
Concord coachmen?


The Concord Coachmen Chorus is a fine group of men that have been delighting the greater Concord, NH area since 1957 with its presentation of many timeless tunes sung in the Barbershop style.  

Learning A New Tag

History of the
concord coachmen chorus


How long do you think the Concord Coachmen Chorus has been performing? 10 years? Perhpas 20 to 30 years? Well, you might be surprised to hear that we have been performing for over 65 years!

Think about that for a minute... 65 years! To put that into perspective, here a a few things that happened back in the year that we were formed.

  • One gallon of gasoline cost .24 cents
  • The first Frisbee was sold in January
  • The TV show "American Bandstand" made its national television debut
  • The United States made its first attempt at launching a satellite into space
As you can see, much has changed in the ensuing years but the Coachmen continue on!

To show how our chorus was formed and the many changes that we've gone through we've created the little video below for your enjoyment. Thanks for watching and for your continued support of the Concord Coachmen Chorus!



where to find us



Enjoy our Music?

Take a look at some of the songs we love to sing!



Want to join our performance chorus?


Want the coachmen to sing at your next function?


Why not hire the Concord Coachmen to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community entertainment events, birthday parties, Christmas parties, awards nights, weddings, engagements, anniversaries,
and even funerals and memorial services.

Copyright © 2024 The Concord Coachmen Chorus