Quartets come in all shapes and sizes. As in most other choruses, you'll find various quartets stepping out to sing from time to time at our chorus performances. Some quartets have been together for many years without missing a beat and some may get together merely for the enjoyment of singing in a quartet for a day. After all, the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) used to be called The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEBSQSA) until 2005. What better way to test your mettle than to jump in with three other guys and sing a song or two! ? Below is a sampling of various quartets formed by Concord Coachmen through the years. Look closely enough and you might just notice some singers participating in more than one quartet. ? (Note: Not surprisingly, not every quartet was composed entirely of Coachman members.) (Click on any thumbnail to enlarge and/or to start a slideshow.)